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Am I a hoarder?

Hoarding, stockpiling, panic buying: What’s normal behavior in an abnormal time?…

Hoarding and the COVID-19 Pandemic

UF Brooke Professor Carol Mathews, MD discusses hoarding and the COVID-19 pandemic: How panic buying and opportunist have confused some and stigmatized others.


According to the DSM V; Hoarding Disorder is a persistent difficulty discarding or parting with possessions regardless of actual value. Discarding includes selling, recycling, giving or throwing away of the items. These possessions are intentionally saved versus passively accumulated over time and can fill up living spaces until they can…

Clinic for OCD, Anxiety, & Related Disorders

We treat adults, adolescents and children with OCD, Tourette Syndrome (TS), hoarding disorders, body dysmorphic disorders, hair pulling & skin picking disorders, and anxiety disorders in our Gainesville, Florida location. Located in the heart of a major medical center, we collaborate across discipline to provide the best care possible.