Epidemiology is featuring three epidemiology doctoral students’ presentations to show case their research work. This is also an opportunity for the students to receive constructive feedbacks on their presentation and research.
Sara Nutley
Talk title: The burden of hoarding behavior: Impact on quality of life and functional ability.
Sara Nutley is a 3rd year PhD student in the Department of Epidemiology and a 2nd year Masters student in the Department of Biostatistics. With an interest in psychiatric epidemiology, Sara has contributed to a number of research projects related to hoarding disorder, eating disorders, anxiety-related disorders, and substance use. Sara is mentored by Drs. Catherine Striley and Carol Mathews.
Inyoung Jun
Talk title: Application of machine learning in antimicrobial resistance research
Inyoung Jun is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Epidemiology at UF. Before joining the Epidemiology department, she studied statistics, economics, and business administration. Her research interests lie in finding practical answers for real-world public health problems including antimicrobial resistance. Inyoung is mentored by Dr. Mattia Prosperi.
Akemi Wijayabahu
Talk title: The Associations Between Vitamin D, Omega 6/3 ratio and biomarkers of biological age in people living with pain Akemi Wijayabahu is a Ph.D. candidate from the Department of Epidemiology, co-mentored by Drs. Robert Cook and Volker Mai, as well as Dr. Kimberly Sibille. She received her MS in epidemiology from our department, and BS in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology from the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. One of her research interests are to understand the associations between nutrients, cellular aging, and age-related systemic changes.