Participate in Research
Hoarding, Tourette and Tic Disorder, OCD, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, Healthy Controls, Skin Picking Disorder, Hair Pulling Disorder

Fear Lab
Many of our studies recruit participants from this real-world clinical program and tracks outcomes as they occur to provide ecologically valid research with immediate implications for improving the assessment and treatment of individuals with OCD and anxiety disorders.

We are interested in a variety of topics, ranging from the genetic and environmental causes of Tourette Syndrome and obsessive-compulsive disorder to the neuropsychological correlates of compulsive hoarding to the role that resilience may play in protecting children and adolescents from developing mood and anxiety disorders.

Some of the recent work conducted by COARD members.

Healthy Minds Study (HMS)
We welcome the use of our data by members of the UF community interested in college student mental health.